
Thursday, February 21, 2013

Kirb Your Enthusiasm

Remember When…

Once upon a night, 2 girls went out drinking and looking for men. These were fine girls and they tipped back their beers at the local pub trying to acquire interesting male conversation. Having no such luck the night trickled on without success. As the moon hung low in the sky and the barkeeps began closing down shop, the uninteresting men quickly disappeared into the distant hills to their wives and whores. The girls had no other choice but to button up their petty coats, pay their tabs respectfully and retire to their bungalow. At this particular time, Ti was the gracious host and Waz was buying sleep in the comfort of her underground lair.

The two girls enjoyed a stiff nightcap in their sleeping gowns, then blew out the candles, and kissed each other good night. They dreamt of men and interesting conversation and longed to be entertained.

As the golden morning began stretching its rays, light flooded the windows illuminating the quaint space. Luckily the girls had had SO much of the fizzy drink, they slept through the suns birth. It wasn't until the loud thick knock at the front door that they did startle.

WHO THE FUCK IS IT? Ti squawked in a voice deeper than a baritone sax hitting an F/E sharp. (The 2 birds tweeting sweetly outside her window also died immediately) The front door sprang open as he stepped into the landing – a tall strong looking man wearing cargo shorts and thick leather boots and a cherry stained cotton shirt. His intricately gelled hair appeared confident and unmovable, his diamond earrings nearly blinding the girls as they were hit with an odorous wave of Axe: Phoenix and Abercrombie’s Fierce. MY NAME IS JASON LADIES, AND I’M HERE TO SHOW YOU MY KIRBY.

WHAT THE FUCK IS A KIRBY? Ti squawked yet again as she pulled a pack of cigarettes from her side table and lit one with her breath. I stayed quiet, tucked behind her body shivering with no pants on.

The man took Ti’s “casual cigarette in bed bit” to mean, come on in. Down he thudded the 16 steps from the front door to the front of the bed where the two of us laid mystified and confused. Before either of us had time to speak the gentlemen outreached his hand for a proper handshake then immediately swung the 80 pound vacuum he had attached to his back around his shoulders and head, nearly missing our toes. THIS LADIES, IS A KIRBY AND YOU TI, HAVE EARNED YOURSELF A FREE CARPET CLEANING.

The two of us took a scan around the apartment looking for carpet (the scan took less than 3 seconds total) The only carpet in the entire 250 sq. foot space were the dirty stairs leading up to the front door. Pointing in that direction I suggested Jason start there as I fished under the covers for my leg sleeves. EASY LADIES, he said. I'VE GOT THIS.

Having fully now woken up and examining the situation at hand, a few things ran through my mind. He was either A, here to kill us, B, we had met him last night and accidentally agreed to an AM threesome or C, Ti had now resorted to inviting “vacuum salesmen” over as a way to get lucky. I chose D, none of the above, he was here for our entertainment. I immediately shot up and grabbed a half full bottle of Rashid Wallace champagne from the night before and poured Ti and myself 2 coffees. After finding a suitable outlet Jason began cleaning and as we finished our rotten booze he had stairs 1-16 shining bright. He smiled at us elated as we clapped for our hero.

A small bit of sweat hung on his brow and as he wiped it away, the body spray embedded in his skin ignited the room and I swear I saw a flame in his eye. Jason asked what was next. What was next? There was nothing else to clean! This place looked and smelled like Dr. Hannibal Lecter’s basement: cold, carpet-less  and full of lotion - Well in that case, I chimed in, can you please go get us some more champagne at the gas station? I've got quite the headache and we are both dreadfully thirsty. Jason said he’d sure love to but couldn't on account of the fact that he’d gotten a DUI just a few weeks back so he wasn't allowed to purchase alcohol – he did however know a great restaurant down the road that didn't card and had $2 Natty lite on tap. Half tempted to accept the offer we decided we needed to know more about Jason before we got into a vehicle with him and his suction machines.

With the two of us still tucked in bed we asked if his vacuum cleaned furniture. He said it did and within minutes like a magician, he attached several small pieces and a hose to the Kirby. Ti made a move to clean off her chair so Jason could have a fresh canvas to paint on, but Jason insisted on stripping it himself. We were all shocked when he finally got down to the last layer of dirty clothes and pulled out a human body. Jason was so cool about it as he walked it up the stairs and laid it in the drive way to grow back to life. Back to the chair he came, forearms flexed, hips and torso in position. Within minutes the chair too looked and smelled as good as 2007.

Jason was now on a roll – there was no carpet or piece of furniture too big or too small for him to tackle. He had seen and de-stained it all. Though he was doing this free of charge, the confidence he gained from his hard work was priceless. With beer brunch still on the table we decided to keep Jason around a little while longer. Before he knew what we were going to ask he accepted the challenge and began cleaning Ti’s mattress with us still in the bed. Rolling from side to side, we expertly kept our hands and feet out of Jason’s intricate path. He cleaned the entire mattress head to toe, front and back, flipping bodies and pillows to do a job well done, while we laid by comfortably enjoying the gentle yoga flow. This guy was a pro. He twisted the hose from left to right, removing unnecessary pieces and stacked them in his belt as his eyes landed on a special stain. Suddenly Jason reached deep into his back pocket and pulled out a foreign looking piece – a piece used so few and far between in the Kirby world most would have mistaken it for arsenal or Tupperware. He took the plastic-like shell and fitted it to a secret nozzle then pressed a hidden button under the belly of the vacuum. The Kirby giggled. It was ticklish.

The sound that came next was menacing and the man was maniacal. He saw the stain at the end of the stripped bed and we all knew it had to go. Plunging the secret piece into the soft springy dough he began kneading and rolling the mattress likes a baker at a bread race. Hand over hand he sawed machine into the cottony flesh and to everyone’s amazement the stain began to lift. Shade by shade it softened until there was only a faint glow left behind – but this wasn't good enough for Jason. No, he wanted more. He pressed the secret button one more time and the machine began vibrating almost uncontrollably – there was no stopping him. Pressed up against the headboard Ti and I held hands and closed our eyes as turbo booster met mattress and to everyone’s horror it cut right through the cotton down to the spring. Jason had gone too far. He immediately jerked his arm back alarmed at his own strength, eyes wide as he wildly screamed out NOOOOO, but it was too late. The Kirby damage had been done. Our screams were silent as we knew in our heart of hearts the mattress was dead. Jason dropped the secret piece of machinery as if it had a mind of its own and pressed his hands to his hard pecks. His reputation was ruined and so was our nap.

As the dust settled there wasn't much left to say. Jason packed up his belongings, his pale face long and sad. We stayed in bed and placed a blanket over the new hole. We didn't think brunch was a good idea anymore. Or, carpet cleaning.

On his way out Jason offered us a 50 % off deal on a new machine plus a chance to sit on his back as he did push-ups as a special thank you. Though it was a hard bargain we had to refuse. He handed us business cards and looked up with puppy dog eyes. We pointed to the door for him to leave – he knew what he had done. The moral of the story is, if a strange man comes over to shampoo and deep clean your rug, just make sure he doesn't get overzealous and get stuck in a tight space.

Cheers to The Boy who Cried Brunch and Mattress Munching,


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